Thursday, August 23, 2007

Since the Wedding

Family and Friends,

Emily and I would both like to say how thankful we are for all of you. I know we took off in a hurry after the wedding and honeymoon and were not able to say good by to many of you, but we want you to know that you're loved and missed.

Emily and I arrived in Houghton on the 2nd of August. Some people say that life is an adventure and needless to say the trip out here was an adventure in itself. For us to move out to the college we had to rent a truck that was roughly 16 ft long and a tow dolly for our vehicle. But when the day came to pick up the truck and dolly the rental company that we were using didn't have are stuff we needed even though we had a reservation stored in their computer system. So they gave us what they had which was a 26 ft truck and a car carrier! This was way more then what we need and it felt like we were driving a Semi-truck halfway across the country. IT WAS AWESOME! With that said, Em and I arrived safe and sound and ready to begin our lives together NY. Just for the record I am still a Twins, Wild, and Vikings fan (Sorry Jake...even though I am closer to Boston then you are and in the mist of Yankee followers I can't go over to the Sox's side. Got to stay true to my roots!).

As many of you know, my BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING wife Emily is a Resident Director at Houghton. Now...some of you are thinking that she is just a glorified babysitter of out of control college students but shes not. She is actually overseeing Five, yes five resident buildings called the Town Houses and Flats (a.k.a. the FaTs). These buildings consist of upperclassman who all throughout the week are getting high, drunk, and sleeping with their boyfriends and girlfriends. Just kidding this is a Christian college people...that stuff doesn't happen here...right???! all seriousness, what Emily basically does is oversee and manage a staff of 5 RA's and their buildings, programs and organizes resident activities, develops student leaders, handles disciplinary issues, and among other things she will be get a masters in higher education, in the meantime she is working on getting a masters in being married to me. So she has a lot going on and she LOVES IT!

Currently I am looking for a job...which is something you can be praying about. I want to be the man and be able to provide for the wife and I can't do that if I am spending all my time reading books, playing board games, hanging with my wife, and going to 24 hour coffee shops with college students till the wee hours of the morning. The truth is that I am actually looking for a job and not just sitting around on my but all day wait for one to fall into my lap. I have had a couple of interviews and still one to come. Right know my best two options are an Assistant Pastor position at a local church and a Programing Assistant Position here at Houghton College. So really be praying for that...because...I want a job!

Well I believe this blog entries is coming to an end. Just a little FYI, Emily and I are going to be in Minnesota the third weekend of October, so mark your calenders. The reason for our visit is Emily's oldest sister Kimberly is getting married which is very exciting and something that we are looking forward too. We hope all of you are doing well. You are in our thoughts and prays. Know that we love, miss, and look forward to seeing you sometime in the future.

The Kirkbrides

P.S. We will be posting pics of the area in which we live and our apartment to give you a better feel of where we are living. So keep checking the blog for updates.