Thursday, February 21, 2008

Photo Post: Why no blogging?

Christmas Time in MN...

This picture was taken Christmas Eve with the Simon family and of course... Kota!

Adding to the Dazzle... earlier in the week, we headed out to the city for a night out with some dear friends...

Brendon and I played in the snow some...

I took my sisters for some quality sister time to Grand Ave in St. Paul to paint some ceramics. It was such a gift to have us all in one place even if for only a day or so...

The last night in town, Christmas day with the Kirkbride's at the Anderson's - what a fun night!

Now to Orlando, FL with the Youth group...

Loving our time in the sun... this was our first time and pic by the ocean...

While the trip to Orlando was a blast - we learned much about patience and the power of prayer over the trip when the vehicle we rented to get us down to Florida with 12 teenagers and four adults broke down 2x before we got home... I ran/walked/bused and hitchhiked my way through the streets of Orlando the last day of our trip with the other female leader while Brendon worked on keeping the spirits of our youth high. It only caused us to be a couple hours late on our arrival home but with the help of some fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and other kind folks we made it home safely... all in the name of the Lord. All around a great first trip as youth leaders together...

Then it was back to life as we had once known it...

A little RA Winter Training weekend...

I hosted a surprise party for our friend and coworker Gabe... it was actually his 1/2 birthday but I am always up for a party... especially with his fun college student friends :)

Now that was in January and we have obviously still had much to do - including a trip to State College to see the Gophers battle it out with Penn State, Brendon became an officially licensed minister by taking a week of intense courses at the college, I hired a new staff of RA's that I am quite looking forward to leading this coming year, we celebrated Valentine's day for our first time as an official couple in the same state... and oh, our adventures continued...