Wednesday, July 23, 2008


We celebrated our 1st anniversary yesterday... with a trip to our favorite town this side of New York - stayed at a beautiful inn, enjoyed good food and laughing together about the year. Oh yeah, and we purchased a green kitchen-aid - I am pumped... here comes the bread making!

So, this may sound funny but we made a list of our Top 10's - 10 best moments and 10 worst... the memories brought us many laughs at a coffee shop early this morning. I can't wait to pull out that list many years from now to share with our children as they begin preparing for their 1st year of marriage.

What a year... we are so thankful to the Lord for doing an amazing work on the altar just a year ago. I wouldn't want to relive the day in some ways but in others... I wish I could go back and see it again from a different perspective.

We will update more soon... until then