Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Life with the Kirkbrides... our place.

September 18, 2007

So Emily here this time, finally posting some pics!! Since most of you live far away- we decided to bring Houghton to you! Hope you enjoy our photos!
Today is Brendon's first official full day of work - after being announced in the church on Sunday and pastor's traditional Monday day off - he headed off to a morning prayer meeting and other things throughout the day! Wow, we both keep looking at eachother in awe of how the Lord is orchestrating our lives day after day... God is so good - I love seeing Bren in his prime out here...

To the left is a pic of our house... just kidding it is one of the buildings I "direct" there are 4 other buildings - We just happen to live in this one!

Above is a picture of the front of the church where Bren will be spending most of his days!

Below is a little tour of the place we call home!

Here I am coming out of the bathroom into our "living room" - Grandma Kate's dinette set is working wonderfully... Bren painted the place our "Kirkbride Shade of Yellow" (the first yellow we had was disatorus... but I am thankful for Bren's painting expertise!)

This is our HUGE kitchen... love it!! I marinated 200 pieces of chicken on that counter and cut up 60LBS of potatoes - all at the same time! Thank God for hospitality and big kitchens!

Here are two pictures of our cozy living room...

Below is our tiny but cozy bedroom... I love how it all turned out - the walls are just waiting for some paint in the coming weeks... Thanks Grandma Harvey for that great blanket... it matches our bedding beautifully... who woulda known!

We love you and hope you enjoyed our tour!

Joy to you!

The Kirkbrides

1 Thessalonians 5:16 "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus... hold on to the good. avoid evil."

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Amish Paradise

As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain
I take a look at my wife and realize shes very plain
But thats just perfect for an amish like me
You know I shun fancy things like electricity
At 4:30 in the morning Im milkin cows
Jebediah feeds the chickens and jacob plows... fool
And Ive been milkin and plowin so long that
Even ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone
Im a man of the land, Im into discipline
Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin
But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine
Then tonight were gonna party like its 1699
We been spending most our lives
Living in an amish paradise
Ive churned butter once or twice
Living in an amish paradise
Its hard work and sacrifice
Living in an amish paradise
We sell quilts at a discount price
Living in an amish paradise
On any given day it is quite common for Emily and I to see the Amish rolling around in their horse and buggies- harvesting grain and shopping in our local "marts" or the Jubliee - 5 minutes down the road. Just yesterday Emily saw an Amish woman carrying her baby into Joann Fabrics - not something you see everyday in Plymouth, MN. We find ourselves daily adjusting to living in the novelty of our little Western NY Amish paradise.
I know it has been sometime since we last posted so Emily and I want to catch you up to speed. We love married life, although it is sometimes hard, Emily and I are learning a ton about eachother which has been quite a journey (you married couples know what I am talking about). Emily has been busy transitioning from buildings and getting to know new people. She has a great staff of RA's and we spend a lot of time with them. Emily has some awesome events coming up ranging from a chicken bbq (we get to cook some 200 pieces of chicken, 60 lbs of potato's, and tons of corn for the residents living in the FaT's), and a drive-in movie which requires us to set up a 30x20 ft moving screen on the lawn in front of where we live.
I have recently been hired by Fillmore Wesleyan Church as the Assistant Pastor. I will be working with the Children's and Youth Ministry along with a handful of other things like taking out the trash. I am actually really happy to be working here. The people are great and I am doing something that I love and have a desire to do. With this position I'm pretty much like a little kid jumping into the deep end of the pool and learning how to swim. I am working with another young pastor - so we look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for the church. It is good to begin this new journey and finally beginning to feel like the man of our family. Aside from work and ministry, I am playing on a intramural football team with some college guys (we predict winning the championship) and of course miss Emily keeps me on my toes.
As we both transition and adjust we look forward to seeing what the Lord has instore...
-the 'brides