Saturday, November 17, 2007

It is begining to feel a lot like home...

So, here I am the "sneaky" blogger of the family... Brendon set this thing up but I am the one who thinks to write in it. He is off to a men's residence life event this morning, "Intercourse and Ice Cream"... I am fine with missing out on that one.

For Thanksgiving break this year... no plans to travel home, we will have Thanksgiving with a dear family in the church who have three young children (one they just adopted from Guatemala this summer) I am really looking forward to getting to know this strong God-fearing family. We do plan to bring MN to us - we are headed to the closest Chipotole and Caribou, in Cleveland, to celebrate Thanksgiving in a non-traditional sort of way- 2 days after the real celebration and feel a little Minnesota love.

I must say though, this place is beginning to feel a lot more like home. Being a part of Fillmore Weselyan, is the first time since, South Hills Community Church in California where I feel at home in the church. I know people would miss us if we weren't there (pardon the fact that we program all the needs of their children...) Sunday morning becomes a good time to reconnect with those who have been busy throughout the week. The families in the church are so kind and interesting to get to know - it is like one big adventure discovering the connections between the families and discovering their stories of why they live in Fillmore, NY.

This afternoon, I am headed to my favorite "treasure" in the surrounding Houghton area, I am taking 2 of my girls from last year to, what many of us affectionately call, "Coffee plus Coffee" because the sign out front says "Cafe plus Coffee" (Cafe is French for Coffee). It is not much like a Starbucks but it is close second... the classic coffee shop, with "the regulars." I am one now, my RD staff and our boss head out every Friday morning to hang out and catch up on life at the Coffee Coffee, Alyce the server knows what I order every week... Tall stack of pancakes and a coffee or a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and coffee. She wasn't there one week... her mom was... now, that was an experience.

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