Sunday, November 25, 2007

oh christmas trees.

Welp... here is a little Kirkbride update on our Thanksgiving break. Tonight Brendon and I are chilling in front of the TV again... watched our favorite reality TV show, Amazing Race and now a good east coast football game (Eagles vs Patriots). We are both still under the weather - fighting a bug we shared last weekend - can't seem to shake this one.

Although, we were sick... we still found room to be thankful and to celebrate along with the nation... eating some yummy turkey. We ate with the Tuckers from church - it was a diverse crowd - some of their extended family -a young family with two toddlers and their grandparents - also a "80 something" year old woman who is a 40 year native of the house across the street from the Tuckers... It was a fun experience and a great way to begin our Thanksgiving's together.

We also spent quality time with our friends the Brubakers, Sara and Joel - Joel is on my RA staff (but still a month older than me) and Sara is his loving wife that has been fun to get to know... We did lots of fun things... went to a wedding of my boss, traveled with them to Walmart and Starbucks in Geneseo and ate lots of meals together and watched a few movies. The Lord blessed us with another young married couple in a very similar place in life to share life with for this year.

So... this may dissappoint you but due to the illness in out little family - there was no trip to Cleveland to Caribou and Chipotle... and no trip cut down our first live tree together. But we did have a successful shopping trip, where we bought eachother presents with out the other knowing... man, I still hate secrets.

So ... Bren is now asleep on my shoulder... I should take him to bed... (I love this man)

We will check in again soon!

grateful for you all - thanks for reading our boring blog!

The brides.

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