Sunday, August 10, 2008

when you give a mouse a cookie...

So, I was making cookies last night in our new kitchen aid and thinking...

I was thinking about how grateful I was for our kitchen aid, my mom waited 25 years of marriage before getting one... The Lord has been good to us.

Then as I began to ponder my gratitude for the green kitchen aid, I how thankful I am for many things this summer... I decided I wanted to write and acknowledge the Lord for the many big and small things this summer that have blessed us!

Yes, a gratitude list, not like Oprah's, instead gratitude toward my Redeemer and friend, Jesus. Below in no particular order.

1. my precious and loving husband, Brendon
2. open blue sky and puffy white clouds
3. the bluest blueberries one can imagine
4. driving with the top down

5. the big purple couch I sit on every day and cuddle with the Lord, in the morning, and my husband, in the evening...

6. the way you moved the fog on 7-13-08

7. the hugs of three 3rd girls at once during our soccer camp

8. freezing cold water splashing you in the face as you fall into the Genessee River while white-water rafting with my brother

9. my grandma's excitement of the simplest meal ever made ;)

10. a husband who thinks of you while you are away, and redecorates the bedroom just the way you like it, as a surprise.

11. a professional conference that reminds you why you do the job you do.

12. Kelina's Lord ordained and beautiful wedding ceremony - thanks for the sneak preview of heaven
13. meeting the Sanisaiths... a drive in movie under the stars at the Charcoal Corral
14. the gorgeous milkyway at the cottage with the Last's in Canada and the shooting star

15. the day in MN, I got to hug, all three of my previous RD's :)

16. the book "Freedom of Simplicity"

17. and the time to finish it.
18. dog sitting for Keough

19. The book of Colossians. Lord you are great!

20. A night at the Roycroft for our first anniversary

21. The Tantalus Resturant - 2 visits with great friends.
22. 14 mile bike rides.
23. the doctor diagnosing my exhaustion.
24. chatting with friends of the heart and soul.
25. the joy of being a part of a 2nd wedding for my father-in law and the joy he now has!

26. a late night conversation with my sister-in-laws... it was the way life was supposed to be...

27. my mom.

28. our bikes

29. the youth group girls

30. a conversation with an old co-worker that was challenging and inspiring - it was like I was having a face to face conversation with Jesus.

31. my sister's excitement of being in the country and with us as her family

32. Caribou coffee

33. Butter Cafe in downtown MPLS - with all my Midwest sisters!

34. time to chat with my best friend and sister at "Cupcake" in Dinkytown

35. my dad and his sweet trust in the Lord's provision for a job.

36. discovering the blogs of others...

37. music.

38. organic farming in innercity Buffalo, and the women that have a passion for it.

39. taking up the art of painting.

40. HGTV

41. wildflowers in a vase on my table.

42. discovering soul connections with a married couple in this area in which we live.

43. winning Settlers. twice.

44. almond milk ice cream.

45. the Lord restoring my soul.

46. tubing over glass like water

47. my sister's closet

48. and her generous spirit.

49. rolling hills spotted with rows of yellow corn, black and white cows and red barns

50. "He is making all things new and his mercy is new every morning."


Blomgrens said...

Emily, I am so glad I found you guys! I loved your post and I'm feeling like I'm in the thankful mood too now. Thanks! -Kelly (Moselle) Blomgren

Lauren said...

Em! It's been a while since you wrote this post...but I just read it today and I loved it! Thanks for sharing all of the things you are thankful for, I felt like I could probably say the same...minus the whole Settlers game you dominated. Love you and miss you!